Memory in the Letter (2024)
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Memory in the Letter (2024)

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Memories In Letters, Songjam Nai Aksorn, Songcham Nai Akson
Status: Ongoing Network: , Released: Apr 06, 2024 Country: Type: Drama Episodes: 6 Censor: Censored Casts: , , Posted by: engsubtv Released on: Updated on:
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Synopsis Memory in the Letter (2024)


Aksorn moves to his new dorm and found out a guy living inside the mirror located in his bedroom. As the story progressed, Aksorn found a novel that matches his story with the guy in the mirror uploaded on a website. Is the author of the novel Songjam? Is there a way for them to meet in person?

(Source: AsianovelasBL Twitter)

~~ Adapted from the web novel "Memories in Letters" (ท ร ง จำ ใ น อั ก ษ ร) by Hungrybird.